HHO Ebooks – The Truth!
Are you thinking about building your HHO Kit? If so, then make sure you read this as many of the HHO ebooks out there on the market today are simply copies of the FREE manuals that you can find online and simply are way too hard to build. The unfortunate thing about shopping around on your own and making a decision about buying a HHO ebook is that you don’t get to “See Inside” of the book to find out if it is any good. Well, we’ve purchased EVERY ONE of the HHO ebooks and reviewed them. We were amazed at what we found. Many of the ebooks are simply copies of the Hydrostar design that you can download from the internet for free. The hydrostar design is SOOOO hard to build that you will give up part way through. Trust us, you will. As a matter of fact, if you want the Hydrostar instructions, we will give them to you for free. This design does not work so don’t even waste your money trying to build it because it won’t work. I’ll update this post with the original Hydrostar HHO design when I have time to. If you want it, simply email us and we’ll send you a link so you can download it. So… Sorry, I got side tracked! We found that there are about 5 ebooks that have the Hydrostar design and they simply have added or changed some of the words but most of the content and ALL of the photos are from this design.
There are a few HHO ebooks that are written by Hybrid engineers and they are the products to buy.
Our newest review and by far the BEST HHO Dry Cell design is made by Tom Punch. Dry Cells are currently the best way to produce large amounts of HHO and his design produces 1 liter of HHO per minute for every 10 amps of power. So, if you need 2 liters all you need to do is pump in 20 amps and you’re producing 2 liters/minute! Once you become a member of the Dry Cell Plans you will receive access to the plans, HD instructional videos, and parts list. If you want to have the plans and videos mailed to you, you can (for a small fee) which we recommend highly. This is a great option if you have a slow internet connection. After becoming a member, you can also purchase all the parts directly from them and have everything shipped to your door. The product is VERY easy to build and install yourself and the video installation they provide makes this product the best on the market. Tom Punch has been building HHO kits and HHO Dry Cells for years and this really is the best on on the market today. Click this link to view our HHO Dry Cell review of his product and one of their short videos.
The best “Wet Cell” HHO ebook on the market to build is Hybrid Water Power written by Bob Volk. His ebook is 100% original and was designed, written and tested thousands of times by Bob Volk himself. If you really want a quality produt and receive TOP NOTCH technical support, then we recommend you buy his book. You will thank us (and you can in the comments area below) Please read our review on his HHO Generator Design by clicking the link.

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We are interesting about your products and we would like to have more information, prices and catalogs about it.
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Andreas Ponticos
Simply click on our #1 pick (above) and you will learn what you need. The book will instruct you on how to build and install the HHO kit and you will immediately start saving on fuel.